Systems Programming Ghent

Reliability. Expressiveness. Control.

What We Do

We aim to bring systems programming enthusiasts together by organizing events in Ghent and the surrounding area.

A systems programmer is someone who does systems programming. According to Wikipedia:

Systems programming aims to produce software and software platforms which provide services to other software, are performance constrained, or both.

We will organize informal gatherings like:

  • Drinks/dinner: relax after a long day at work and chat with like-minded people. If you are too exhausted to think, no worries, no-one will judge. The primary location will be cafe/restaurant Marengo next to Coupure in Ghent. Please inform the organizer if you would like to eat as well.
  • Presentations: exciting tools and frameworks in programming languages that give a combination of performance and expressiveness. For example, Rust or C++, but other topics are welcome. Presentations are currently hosted at Watt the firms.
  • Hackathons: (planned mid-2025) solve an interesting programming challenge with a team and win prizes.

To register for an event, please contact us.

Why We Do It

We are passionate about what we do but we also want to relax a bit, make deep connections in-person and have good conversations about systems programming or life in general.

Who We Are

This community was started by a software engineer, Willem at OTIV, a company in Ghent, specialized in software for operating railway vehicles.

Here are some things you could help with:

  • Locations for hosting presentations
  • Picking topics and giving presentations
  • Designing challenges for hackathons
  • ...

Would you like to help? Contact us!